MYC Windsong Program Committee

Windsong is a 22-foot Cape Dory keel sailboat owned by MYC. She is moored in Stage Harbor, and available to  MYC members to sail. 


The Windsong programs are overseen by the 'Windsong Program Committee', composed of the following members.

  • Douglas Fields, Chair
  • Debbie Nelson
  • Peter Sundquist
  • Kent Richardson
  • Rick Reed
  • David Doherty
  • David Vincent
  • David Holden
  • Jim Doggart


The committee is responsible for defining and operating all activity related to  Windsong, including

  • Making the use of Windsong fit into the club's mission.
  • Member sailing programs
    • Certification, training, mentoring, scheduling, 
  • Maintenance
  • Insurance and regulatory requirements

The structure of committee responsibilities, and the overseeing of aspects of Windsong operations, is as follows:

  • Administration and Finance: Douglas Fields
  • Skipper Certification: David Vincent
  • Equipment and Maintenance: Kent Richardson, Peter Sundquist
  • Records Management: Debbie Nelson and David Vincent
  • Windsong Dispatcher: David Doherty
  • Insurance: Rick Reed

The Windsong Program Committee is also responsible for establishing the framework by which the club's experience of owning and operating Windsong can be evaluated after its agreed initial trial period.


Factors such as the following (and more) will be used to set objectives, track, and evaluate the success of the Windsong programs:

  • Cost of program, usage history, number of qualified skippers, number of crew members,  end of season user evaluations, and input from new MYC members about whether the club ownership of Windsong played a part in joining the club.